September 18, 2024 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE
Passwords continue to be the bane of users' existence. Humans are bad at passwords we don't like creating them, we don't like remembering them, and we reuse the heck out of them. How many of you (or your users) have used some variation of Spring2024! for work accounts this year!? The answer: too many! Cyber criminals know this and take advantage of our poor password tendencies by stealing our passwords, brute-forcing our passwords, or both. And if you're re-using passwords for other websites, like online banking, email, or social media then you're putting a lot at risk.In this webinar, we'll explore the art of password compromise and cracking, including how to create strong passwords, how fast passwords can be cracked today, and how to prevent password reuse.