
Results 1-10 of 35
How To: Big 4 IS Risk Assessments

How To: Big 4 IS Risk Assessments

April 23, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

From an IT and Information Security perspective, financial institutions are required to perform four (4) major risk assessments. This webinar will cover each of these risk assessments, including not just HOW to perform these risk assessments, but WHY we WANT to perform them (the objective!). Additionally, you have to perform these risk assessments regardless, so lets talk about how to make them VALUABLE and not just a thing to check off the list.While this webinar is geared towards financial institutions, any regulated business or organization that truly values cybersecurity will gain insightful knowledge into how to truly quantify, measure, and manage risk using these methods.

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Plan, Test, Conquer: How Testing Your BCP and IRP Can Save Your Business

Plan, Test, Conquer: How Testing Your BCP and IRP Can Save Your Business

May 21, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

In today's fast-paced and unpredictable business environment, the ability to quickly recover from disruptions is crucial. Join us for an insightful webinar where we delve into the critical importance of regularly testing your Business Resilience Plans, including your Business Continuity Plan (BCP), Disaster Recovery Plan, Pandemic Preparedness Plan, and Incident Response Plan (IRP). This session will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of why these tests are essential and how they can safeguard your organization against unforeseen events.

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Vendor Risk Management – Best Practices 2025

Vendor Risk Management – Best Practices 2025

June 18, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

Nearly every business today is incredibly reliant on vendors to run our day-to-day operations, especially if were connected to the internet. But weve also experienced more and more outages and breaches at the hands of our vendors recently. So how do we handle this risk? Vendor Management of course!Regulated businesses have guidance to follow from banking regulations to NIST CSF to SOC Reports Vendor (or Supply Chain) Risk Management is a staple in the world of cybersecurity. But how do you do more than just check the box? By taking a risk management approach, of course!

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Microsoft 365 Security Updates

Microsoft 365 Security Updates

July 16, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

Last year, we dove deep into the Microsoft 365 environment and shared M365 security best practices across numerous features and functions. However, the M365 world changesquickly, so well review any major security changes over the past year you needto know, as well as dive into a few new areas of M365 to secure.

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Why Data Flow Diagrams Can Change Your Life

Why Data Flow Diagrams Can Change Your Life

August 13, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

Its 10:00 PM on a Friday night do you know where your data is? This is the question every organization should be asking themselves where does your data go once it leaves your network? Who touches that data? How does it get to where it ultimately needs to go? And is it SAFE?In this webinar, well talk about how a simple visual diagram called a Data Flow Diagram (or DFD) can help you truly get ahold of the true data economy of your organization and whether or not youre data is hanging out with the right crowd or falling in with the bad kids.

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Incident Response Fundamentals 2025 Edition

Incident Response Fundamentals 2025 Edition

September 17, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

In todays technology-driven world, organizations face an unprecedented and constant wave of cyber attacks that are becoming more sophisticated and frequent. From ransomware to data breaches, no business is immune. Thats where Incident Response Planning comes into play. A strong IRP can help your organization anticipate cyber attacks and have a plan to deal with those incidents, should they occur. In this webinar, we will cover the fundamentals of building a strong, valuable Incident Response Plan that covers everything you absolutely need to have in your IRP, as well as ways to continue to mature your IRP planning and testing over time. SBS CyberSecuritys Incident Response experts will share the insights and experiences we have gained over the years in helping our clients build strong, valuable IR Plans as well as response and recover from cyber attacks and incidents.

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Mission API-Possible: How to Secure and Test Your APIs

Mission API-Possible: How to Secure and Test Your APIs

October 22, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

As more organizations shift to cloud computing, the API (Application Programming Interfaces) economy is becoming more and more prevalent connecting organizations and applications. APIs can enable seamless integrations, allowing businesses of all shapes and sizes to offer enhanced, faster, and more efficient customer experiences.However . . . APIs come with risks. In this webinar, we'll explain the function of APIs, review regulatory guidance, and cover API security risks, including vulnerabilities like insecure authentication, data exposure, and the growing threat of API-targeted attacks. Well wrap up by talking through what you should be doing and considering if youre developing or using APIs today.

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Modern Network Architectures – Today’s Best Practices

Modern Network Architectures – Today’s Best Practices

November 19, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

As an organization, is your technology working for you as well as it should? The whole point of using technology is to make us faster and more efficient, right? What happens when your technology causes more roadblocks or inefficiencies than the productivity you gain? In this webinar, well break down some of the key messages about todays technology infrastructure and IT architectures. Well also show you how to perform an IT Architecture review to help your organization find areas where your technology stack could be improved to gain efficiencies and better set you up for future success!

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Cyber Lessons Learned from 2025 and Trends for 2026

Cyber Lessons Learned from 2025 and Trends for 2026

December 17, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CP

With 2025 winding down and 2026 staring us in the face, lets take a look at the biggest cybersecurity lessons we learned from 2025 and anticipate what's on the horizon.Join our SBS CyberSecurity experts for an engaging and insightful webinar where we'll dive into the most significant breaches and incidents of the past year, explore the latest technology trends and arrivals, and forecast what to expect in the world of cybersecurity and technology in 2026.

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Network Security 2025 – How and What to Test

Network Security 2025 – How and What to Test

March 19, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST | 1.5 CPE

If you use the internet to do business, and your employee and customers can access your technology from the internet remember, so can a hacker! While hackers might not be specifically targeting your business, they are specifically targeting vulnerable networks, web applications, websites, and anything else they can see from the internet. Be sure you know your online technology is secure before a hacker shows you otherwise!SBS conducts nearly 1000 Network Security engagements per year across the US, ranging from individual PenTests or Vulnerability Assessments s to full-blown Red Team engagements, for businesses of all shapes, sizes, and industries. In this webinar, our SBS CyberSecurity network security experts (our hacker team!) will take you beyond just the standard Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test to share with you the different ways and tests you should be considering to keep them and the real hackers out of your networks. Well talk about everything from VAs and PTs to Red Team Assessments, Web Application Assessments, Password Audits, API Security Testing, and more!

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